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PP 230 (Advances in Plant Disease Management)

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current advances in the management of plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, nematodes and viruses

Benguet State University

College of Agriculture


La Trinidad, Benguet



(Graduate School)





Course code

Plant Pathology 230

Descriptive title

Recent Advances in Plant Disease Management

Course description

Exclusion and eradication of plant diseases, protection and immunization of plants, and recent advances in plant disease management


Plant Pathology 101

Semester offered

Second Semester


3 units

Hours per week

5 hours /week ( 2hr. class, 3 hr. laboratory)




  1. General



To train the nation’s manpower in the skills required for development for the improvement of quality and human life.


To develop appreciation of human values and cultural heritage in the Cordillera.


To provide formal instruction, conduct research activities, do extension services, and to provide agribusiness production.

Graduate School

To provide graduate education in the arts, sciences education, management, forestry and agriculture ant its allied sciences in order to advance towards the frontier of knowledge and to develop the whole man.


  1. Specific


At the end of the semester, the students should be able to discuss in depth the concepts and         applications of integrated disease management in consonance with the present trend on ecological and biological pest management versus chemical-based management strategies.




  1. Attendance of at least 80% of the total lecture hours
  2. Long exams (at least 4)
  3. Laboratory performance and report
  4. Oral and written report







Mid-term Grade

Class Standing  × 2 + Mid-term Exam Grade


Final Grade

Tentative Grade × 2 + Mid-term Grade


Tentative Grade

Class Standing × 2 + Final Exam Grade



The passing grade in the class of the Graduate School is 3.0. However, a student must have a general average of 2.0 in all prescribed courses before taking the Comprehensive Examination.      


Other marks used but not included in the computation of the general weighed average are:


D (Dropped) ­­­– This mark is given when a course is officially dropped in two weeks after classes had stated and “5” if without permission.


INC (Incomplete) – This mark is given when the student whose class standing throughout the duration is hanging due to illness or other valid reasons. 


Pr (In Progress) - This mark is given to on-going thesis/dissertation and independent research only. A numerical grade shall be given after the approval of the thesis/dissertation by the Advisory Committee and submission of an acceptable project report, respectively.


S (Satisfactory) or (Unsatisfactory) - This is given to a student in a Seminar course. S mark shall be counted as credit hours only.


WP (withdrawn with Permit) - This mark is given for courses that are withdrawn beyond two weeks after the start of class.




  1. Lecture
  2. Lecture- discussion
  3. Audio- visual presentation
  4. Case study analysis
  5. Students reporting of term papers


  1. Laboratory
  2. Lecture-discussion
  3. Students to do laboratory and field experiments on special topics approved by instructor





                  TOPIC                                                                                      NO. OF HOURS/WEEK


  1. Plant Disease Diagnosis: A Review 10


  1. Disease, Disease Triangle, Time, Symptom and Sign,

 Identification, and Control

  1. Diagnostic Methods
  2. Quick Reference for Common Fungal Plant Pathogens
  3. Foliar Plant Pathogens
  4. Soil-borne Fungal Pathogens
  5. Pathogen Detection
  6. Post-harvest Pathogens
  7. Advanced Diagnostic Techniques
  8. DNA-based Techniques
  9. Diagnosis of Bacterial Pathogens
  10. Virus Symptoms
  11. Diagnosis of Diseases Caused by Nematodes


  1. Plant Disease Management (PDM) 26
  2. Intro to PDM
  3. Managing Bacterial Diseases
  4. Managing Fungal Diseases

            3.1. Soil-borne fungal diseases

3.2. Aerial diseases caused by Fungi I

3.3. Aerial diseases caused by Fungi II

3.4. Fungicides and their modes of action

3.5. Fungicide use

  1. Disease Forecasting
  2. Organic Pest Management

5.1. Ecological or biological pest management

5.2. Organic management of vegetable diseases caused

       by foliar pathogens

              5.2.1 Organic management of specific diseases

  1. Managing Plant Viruses
  2. Managing Soil-borne Nematodes

7.1. Fumigants and nematicides

  1. Management of Seed-borne Diseases
  2. Plant Disease Resistance and Disease Management





AGRIOS, G. N. 1997. Plant Pathology (4th ed.). Academic Press, New York.


BECKMAN, C. H. 1987. The Nature of Wilt Diseases of Plants. The American Phytopathological Society. St. Paul Minnesota. USA.


CHAUBE, H S and US SINGH. 1989. Plant Disease Management Principles and Practices. CRC Press, Inc.


FRY, WE. 1982. Principles of Plant Disease Management. Academic Press, Inc., New York.


KRANZ, J and J PALTI. 1980.  Comparative Epidemiology. A tool for better disease management. Center for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation Wageningen, The Netherlands, 122 pp.


LANGSTON, D. 2011. Loose lecture notes in Plant Disease Diagnosis and Management. Plant Pathology Department, University of Georgia – Tifton Campus, Georgia, USA. 67 pp.


LUIS, JS. 2014. Identification of Aspergillus section Flavi in Philippine Peanuts through Morphological Characterization and Rep-PCR DNA Fingerprinting. A paper presented during the meeting of the American Phytopathological Society Southern Division at Dallas, Texas, USA on February 2-3, 2014.


LUIS, JMS. 2014. Identification, Detection, and Management of Aspergillus section Flavi in Peanuts from the USA, Haiti, and Philippines Using Resistant Genotypes and Non-aflatoxigenic Aspergillus Isolates. MS Plant Pathology thesis. University of Georgia, Georgia, USA.


MALOY, O. C 1993. Plant Disease Control; Principles and Practice. John Willey and Sons, Inc., New York.


MANNERS, JG. 1993.  Principles of Plant Pathology (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. Great Britain. 322 pp.


SANGATANAN, PD and R . SANGATANAN. 2000. Organic Farming. P. D. Sangatanan Marketing, Lapaz Iloilo. 277 pp.


STRANGE, RN. 1983. Plant Disease Control. Chapman and Hall. London U.K. 354 pp.



TENG, PS. 1987. Crop Loss Assessment and Pest Management. APS Press. The American Phytopathological Society. St. Paul Minnesota. USA. 269 pp.


VILLANUEVA, LM, PEREZ, JC, AGUSTIN, FT and CP AGLUYA. 2014. Improved BCA-Based Pest Management Systems for Sustainable Production of Highland Vegetables. 2013-2014 Annual Progress Report for PCAARRD –BSU Project 2.3. 37pp.

______________________________________________. 2013. Improved BCA-Based Pest Management Systems for Sustainable Production of Highland Vegetables. 2012-2013 Annual Progress Report for PCAARRD-BSU Project 2.3. 43 pp.   





Prepared by:






July 4, 2014








Chairman, Department of Plant Pathology








Coordinator, Graduate School and

Dean, College of Agriculture





Here is the class outline:

1. PP230 PART I

2. PP230 PART II

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